According to recent research, 1 in 7 individuals are gluten sensitive. As many individuals who have been following a rigid gluten free diet, it comes without saying; improvements in their own immune systems have led them to lead much healthier lives. If you are or you are suspect that you may be the 1 in 7 who suffer from gluten sensitivity, don’t let adapting to the gluten fee lifestyle overwhelm you. With any lifestyle change, such as changing up your exercise routine or your diet program, it can be a challenge, but that challenge doesn’t have to be at all difficult if you prepare in advance and understand the changes that need to come into effect in order to achieve a better you.
The first step upon finding out you’re gluten sensitive is to educate yourself. Do your research on gluten sensibility, gluten intolerance and celiac disease and understand the lifestyle and meal routines for those who rid gluten from their diets. Perhaps question and reach out to other fellow family members and or friends to see how others have dealt with and adapted to the diagnosis. With Thanksgiving dinner right around the corner, this is the perfect time to stir up this topic among a gathering of guests.
Understand what foods you can and cannot eat. In many cases, you may have to look through and clean out your kitchen cabinets of those foods containing gluten/wheat. Don’t throw away what’s in your cabinet that you yourself cannot consume though. Instead, send a few care packages over to a neighbor’s home for their enjoyment or send a few bags to your local food shelter. Keeping a well-balanced, healthy diet doesn’t mean to have to avoid all the foods you’ve come to enjoy. You can still enjoy a gluten free meal that consists of plain meats, fish, rice, and most importantly, fruits and vegetables.
Lastly, familiarize yourself with the labels. As more and more restaurants and grocery stores are becoming more gluten friendly, in many cases you can find a gluten free meal selection at your favorite restaurant and don’t be surprised to find a gluten free section at your local grocery store. As you understand what foods you can and cannot eat, you will soon be able to shop with ease during your next visit to the grocery store.
You may learn about new foods that you otherwise wouldn’t have considered with your existing lifestyle and diet. As we head into the holiday season, with dinner gatherings and holiday parties on your calendar, don’t let these social events interfere with your gluten free diet. Keep an eye on the foods you consume to ensure they don’t contain gluten and in no time you’ll be gluten free and gorgeous!
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