Sunday, June 20, 2010

Raw Foods: New Age Trend or Getting Back to Basics?

There is a movement on the rise toward reincorporating raw foods back into our daily diets, and from a health coaching perspective, I couldn’t be happier.

Long before grocery stores, tv ads or restaurants came about, we didn’t need anyone telling us what we should and shouldn’t be eating. We just instinctively knew. In other words, we ate food straight from the earth as nature intended - unrefined and pure – also known as raw. And we didn’t have cancer, digestive issues, or diabetes either.

To further clarify, raw foods are foods that have not been cooked above 118 degrees. Cooking food at low temps ensures it will retain enzymes, vitamins and minerals that your body needs in order to properly digest, assimilate and nourish itself.

In contrast, these crucial components are killed off when food is cooked too high, therefore its dormant life force is dull and bland and it does little to provide your body the nourishment is craves.

Raw foods have come a long way these days. As recent as 20-30 years ago, people had little more than fruit and lettuce to choose from when deciding to go raw. Now, a whole new world has emerged that makes it not only enticing but hard to resist too.

Since there is little to no actual cooking involved in raw food prep, it’s a breeze to create some of the same culinary creations you find at fancy raw foods restaurants. Try this quick, delicious smoothie recipe from one of my favorite raw foodies, Ani Phyo, adapted from her cookbook, Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen:

Vanilla Coconut Shake

1 c pecans
½ c pitted dates
1 vanilla bean
2 tbsp coconut oil
3 c water

Blend the pecans, dates, vanilla bean, coconut oil, and water until smooth.

You can also use Thai baby coconuts if they’re available and replace the coconut oil and water with coconut water and the scraped coconut meat. Will keep 4 days in the fridge!

I love this recipe because it’s quick, easy and tastes delish! Plus I know I’m getting fiber and protein from the nuts along with the many benefits of coconut including weight loss, prevention of diabetes and heart disease, lowered risk for stroke, decreased blood pressure, and protection against osteoporosis.

The more raw foods you eat, the more energy you have, the younger you look, and the less you sleep! David Wolfe, the leader of the raw foods movement and founder of, gained an extra month a year when he switched to eating completely raw. Who couldn’t use that???

There are raw foods restaurants popping up all over the country but you don’t have to travel to LA, NY, or Chicago to find them. I even have one in my own backyard in Cleveland, OH of all places! Do a Google search and see where you might find one, or just hit your own kitchen and get “cooking!” You’ll be amazed at the difference raw foods make in your life and it doesn’t require a massive overhaul either. Even just striving for 50% more raw foods will have a dramatic impact.

To learn more about raw foods from one of the foremost leading experts, join me on my call with Ani Phyo on Wednesday, July 7th at 8pm EST. CLICK HERE to sign up and access the call in info!

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