Sunday, January 17, 2010

Eating Healthy On-The-Go

Let’s face it – we’re busy people! A flight for work, a busy day of errands, a road trip to a friend’s house, back-to-back meetings, a weekend away with someone special…. We’ve got places to go and things to do. So how do we fuel ourselves well when we’re on the run?

It easy! Just remember your “QTQs”. Nope, that’s not a stock symbol for a high-tech company. “QTQ” stands for Quality, Timing and Quantity, three easy concepts to keep in mind when eating on-the-go.

Quality: Aim to have the least processed foods available. The closer a food is to its natural state, the higher the quality.

Timing: Timing is crucial when eating on-the-go. Make sure you eat every four hours. If you’re ravenous, you’re far more likely to fall prey to the siren call of the drive-thru.

Quantity: It’s easy to mindlessly chomp on chow when you’re driving or bored at the airport. Take time to breathe and chew while you eat, so you can really feel when your body has had enough. Aim to eat to the point of feeling like you’ve refilled your energy stores, and then stop. You want to your food to fuel you up when you’re on the run, not slow you down.

So the next time you have a whirlwind day, all you have to remember is “QTQ”. To help you pick the highest Quality travel foods, check out our list below.

Food Focus: Top Ten Travel Foods

Here’s a Top Ten list David Letterman never published. Pack up, kids, we’re going on a road trip QTQ-style!

1.Ezekial sprouted wrap with organic almond butter and sliced dried prunes or figs
2.Veggie Surprise – cut jicama, cukes, celery, snap peas, and bell peppers
3.Fruit – fresh cherries, plums, apples, pears and oranges
4.Hard boiled eggs
5.Ezekial sprouted wrap with organic turkey slices, sprouts & spicy mustard
6.Plain yogurt with fresh berries
7.Hummus with veggies or Mary’s Gone Crackers Flax Crackers
8.Greens Plus Bar with Protein
9.Home Touch Trail Mix (see recipe below)
10.Quesadilla with sprouted corn tortilla avocado, organic cheese and salsa

Recipe: Home Touch Trail Mix
from Integrative Nutrition.

2 cups almonds, raw
1 cup pecans
2 cups walnuts, raw
2 cups pumpkin or squash seed, raw
2 cups dried cranberries (unsweetened)
1 tablespoon olive oil (optional)

1.In a bowl mix together almonds, pecans, walnuts and seeds. Cover with water and soak overnight.
2.Preheat oven to 300 degrees.
3.Rinse and discard soaking water.
4.Add cranberries and add olive oil. Mix until everything is coated well.
5.Spread the mixture out evenly on baking sheet and place in the oven for about 20 minutes or until you can smell the roasting nuts and they start to turn a lot.
6.Cool and store in an air-tight glass container.

* Try any nuts and dried fruits you like
* The nuts and seeds can be soaked for a few hours to help their digestibility

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  1. Don't understand your login on heating up the nuts and seeds. That kills them. No living enzymes left to aid in their digestion.

  2. That should have read "your logic on heating..."

  3. This recipe can be modified to your particular lifestyle. It would be equally delicious if you did not heat the nuts :)


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