Sunday, December 13, 2009

What to eat when there's nothing to eat

Who wants to leave their house on days like this? It's cold and rainy, on the verge of snow, yet when you need to eat you need to eat! I'm due for a trip to the grocery store but really didn't want to leave the house, so I peered in my kitchen to see if perhaps i could whip something up when my pantry's almost empty.

I literally came up with a new recipe in a flash, what I now call my Salmon Brown Rice Whole Wheat Tortillas! And with just a few ingredients. I sure am glad I was too lazy to head outside today.

Here's what I created:

*1 whole wheat organic tortilla
*hummus, any kind, as much as you want
*organic romaine lettuce
*cooked brown rice (leftover from another meal earlier in the week)
*salsa, any kind, as much as you want
*cooked salmon fillet (again, from another meal earlier in the week) or any lean protein source of your choice

Layer in order of ingredients and enjoy! Oh, and remember to chew slowly for the best digestion and for proper weight management - 20-30 times per bite. Then finish with a few bites of raw chocolate from The Chocolate Conspiracy or Gnosis Chocolate. I had Mint Chip!

Eating healthy doesn't require a lot of work or time, and is better than any fast food meal around. Meals like this require very little effort and are so much more nutritious. Plus, it's especially important to keep on top of your hunger during the busy holiday season and with just a few ingredients on hand, you can have a most satisfying and delightful meal.

Stay frosty.

Wellness With Angela

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