There is a big buzz going around about the pros and cons of detoxing. My take on it all? Nothing but pros.
Here are the facts. Toxins are in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. They are in our couches, our carpets, our cell phones, and our computers. They travel by planes, trains, and - you guessed it - automobiles.
There was a time when detox and cleanses were considered odd or weird, but with the amount of toxins in our food and water nowadays, detoxing and cleansing have become necessary to maintain optimal health. Toxins can be found in everything from pharmaceutical drugs to register receipts, and the list keeps growing.
Everyone wants to live a life free from disease and illness, but with toxins on the rise, it is becoming more and more difficult. A toxin is essentially a poisonous substance and can be internal as well as external. External toxins include household chemicals, industrial pollutants, food additives, and pesticides. Internal toxins consist of waste products caused by normal metabolic processes within your body. Toxins also include alcohol, caffeine, and sugar.
Most toxins are stored deeped within the fat tissues. Every person living in an industrialized country now carries an average of 700 synthetic chemicals in their body from food, water and air. Toxin accumulation actually starts in the womb and can be stored for years, robbing you of your vitality, energy, and spunk. Toxins hasten the aging process and cause inflammation as well.
In June 2006, the World Health Organization reported that one quarter of global disease is caused by environmental exposures. But what is better is that they also stated, “Well targeted interventions can prevent much of this environmental risk.”
What are the benefits of detoxing? Where do I start. Try:
* increased energy
* weight loss
* faster metabolism
* better digestion
* decreased allergies
* fewer colds
* clearer skin
or just general "health" insurance for our future to name a few...
I personally have never found a quicker way to stop sugar cravings and drop weight fast. Now, if you don’t have weight to lose, you won’t lose any, but you’ll still benefit by ridding yourself of toxic sludge that’s dragging you down. Plus prevent long-term illness like autoimmune diseases, cancer, and heart disease.
I created a fun quiz to help you determine if you need to detox. CLICK HERE to take the quiz.
In the meantime, join me for my FREE TELESEMINAR How to Safely Detox Your Body: Simple and Effective Ways to Detox Without Pills, Drugs, OR Dr. Drew! on Wednesday, May 5th @8pm EST!
To register for the call, CLICK HERE.
Detoxing is a great time to rest and rejuvenate, and focus on YOU. Make time in your busy schedule for this free call and enjoy a guilt-free indulgence on me ;).
Have you gotten your FREE AUDIO on how to stop sugar cravings? Visit Wellness With Angela and grab your copy of The Top 10 Secrets to Conquer Sugar Cravings Fast!
Setting the foundation
12 years ago
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